
Music clears space for emotions and thoughts, but it also makes room for mindfulness and mediation. We have decided to capitalize on that created space and to devote a piece of our art to SOS Children's Villages Worldwide. Our goal is to reach out to those who listen to our music and try get them engaged in the organisation.


We had a lovely time at Exalto Studio's in Haarlem, recording Michel van der Aa's wonderful new music for his upcoming VR opera „From Dust." The visual component will be captured in June. Stay tuned!

->more infos about the project<-

a whole-body exploration of traditional tunes and cultural identity
A new stage programme, which has been growing for a year and which will have its preview Lunalia Festival in Belgium on 30 April.
In this interdisciplinary program we merge different cultures with our own and consider the question of what connects people to the songs of their homeland. Which dreams unite them? Which stories give them the strength to fulfil those dreams? And how can music connect with one’s homeland in this globalised world?
In preparation for this stage production, we reached out to people from around the world to survey their relationship with folk music. Thus bridges were built, finding common ground between melodies from a variety of different cultures. A series of musical scenes give space to each song, combining traditional folk tunes with newly-written compositions. Characteristic arrangements, vocal variation, linguistic focus, and elements of performance reveal the mysteries of each culture.

So excited to announce that we are going to be part of the production ‘Giselle’ by Leipziger Ballett at Oper Leipzig in spring/summer 2024. 

✨choreography by Mario Schröder

✨dramaturgy by Anna Elisabeth Diepold & Thilo Reinhardt

✨stage design by Paul

✨musical direction by Matthias Foremny

For more information, pick up one of the beautiful season booklets hot of the press.

Tausend Dank an unser tolles Publikum! Ihr habt nach unseren Konzerten in Hamm und Kempen 1136 Euro gespendet. Dieses Geld kommt der Organisation SOS-Kinderdörfer weltweit zugute, welche aktuell mit einem Nothilfe-Programm Leidtragende des Erdbebens in Syrien unterstützt.

Spenden werden weiterhin dringend benötigt, um die gewaltige Not nach dem Erdbeben zu lindern. Wenn auch du das Nothilfe-Programm unterstützen willst, folge dem Link zur Spendenaktion -->


A huge thank you to our great audience! You donated 1136 euros after our concerts in Hamm and Kempen. This money will go to the organisation SOS Children's Villages worldwide, which is currently supporting those suffering from the earthquake in Syria with an emergency aid programme.

Donations are still urgently needed to alleviate the enormous suffering after the earthquake. If you also want to support the emergency aid programme, follow the link to the charity campaign -->


SJAELLA IN 3D: Today we released 'evening Morning Day' by David Lang in a Dolby Atmos version (available on Tidal Apple Music and Amazon Music) and a new visual contemplation of the song by the wonderful artist Rashin Teimouri. Watch it on YouTube (click here) and help us to spread it ❤️

P.S.: Check your speakers and headphones for immersive audio options to get the whole experience 💫