
Music clears space for emotions and thoughts, but it also makes room for mindfulness and mediation. We have decided to capitalize on that created space and to devote a piece of our art to SOS Children's Villages Worldwide. Our goal is to reach out to those who listen to our music and try get them engaged in the organisation.


About a year ago we met Ola Gjeilo, one of the best-known composers for choral music of our time, in New York City. On that day he brought us his piece ‚Nothern Lights‘, which we recorded for you on a rainy summerday in July. Click here to watch the video ...

A small supplement to our last week: After a project phase in South Africa in August we could continue the musical cooperation with Just 6 in Germany and had the pleasure to present the results of our work in concerts within the Beethovenfest Bonn and in Berlin. Deutsche Welle accompanied us with the camera. Their material creates a twenty-six minute documentary which you can see here. Many thanks to the people who organized everything behind the scenes and cared for us!

The last days were crazily busy and very emotional as well: We had the amazing pleasure to get to know a wonderful country ans to work on a joint programme with Just 6 which we performed on Friday at MIAGI in Soweto and on Sunday in Pretoria. Furthermore we met the wonderful members of the bjo.deutschland to rehearse for concerts within the Beethovenfest Bonn in September. Thanks to everyone who made this enriching time in South Africa possible!

Haben's erst spät mitbekommen, aber freuen uns jetzt umso mehr: Unsere jüngste CD-Veröffentlichung „Meridiane NORD“ wurde in den Kategorien „Chorwerkeinspielungen des Jahres“, „Klassik ohne Grenzen“ und „Nachwuchsförderung“ für den OPUS KLASSIK nominiert!