
Musik schafft Raum – für Emotionen und Gedanken, aber auch für Aufmerksamkeit und Vermittlung. Wir haben uns dafür entschieden, diesen Raum zu nutzen und ein Stück davon den SOS-Kinderdörfern weltweit zu widmen. Das Ziel ist es, die Menschen, die wir durch unsere Musik erreichen, auch für SOS begeistern zu können.


SJAELLA IN 3D: Today we released 'evening Morning Day' by David Lang in a Dolby Atmos version (available on Tidal Apple Music and Amazon Music) and a new visual contemplation of the song by the wonderful artist Rashin Teimouri. Watch it on YouTube (click here) and help us to spread it ❤️

P.S.: Check your speakers and headphones for immersive audio options to get the whole experience 💫

Unfortunately, due to illness, we had to postpone our concert in Wechselburg planned for today to October 15. Now we take a break for the summer and look forward to be back on stage in September in the following cities with recharged batteries.


The Con Alma Project is more than we could have ever imagined two years ago: It’s a poetic monumentum about the collective experience of isolation and reunion - exciting processes full of joy, pain, curiosity and astonishment. There are so many stories to tell, that's why we are even more happy to announce that there will be a documentary about the project coming in 2023!

Thanks to Paola Prestini & Magos Herrera , who created this artistic project with endless passion & love!

When collective powerlessness hits and the news of war seem to pull the rug out from under our feet, we are even more grateful for our community. The strength we regain through it helps us to take action. This energy is potentiated to an even greater extent in concerts: Our wonderful audience donated 1135 euros at the last two concerts in Brilon and Oberhausen. This money goes to the emergency aid programme of the charity organisation SOS Kinderdörfer weltweit e.V., which provides first aid in war zones - currently increasingly in Ukraine.

Which concert are you planning to come to?
Save the date and get your ticket!

Wir haben es geschafft - mit eurer Hilfe! Ihr habt unsere Funding-Ziellinie überrannt und damit die Vorfinanzierung von „Origins” gesichert. Jetzt möchten wir DANKE sagen: für jeden einzelnen Spendenbetrag, für euer Vertrauen, für die Unterstützung unseres Weges und für das Gefühl der Verbundenheit, das ihr uns schenkt! Wir möchten es euch zurückgeben - mit unseren vielen kleinen persönlichen Startnext-Dankeschöns und, nicht zuletzt, mit „Origins“. Am 08. Oktober werden wir unsere CD in den Händen halten und bald darauf in eure übergeben können! 

We’ve made it - and only with your help! You’ve overrun our fundraising target line and secured the prefinancing of „Origins“. Now we’d like to say THANK YOU: for every single donation, for your trust, for supporting our path and for the sense of unity you’re giving us! We want to return this to you by spreading our little and personal Startnext rewards and, not least, by giving you „Origins“. On October 8 we will hold this CD in our hands and soon after it will be held by yours!