Their shared roots reach back to an age when emotions can flow unhindered. They have strong connections and limitless enjoyment. Sjaella is the soul of the women who appear together on stage and have not lost a child-like experience of the world. Community feeds on play and individual strength. There is movement, language, noise and sound, with bodies, focus, and shared breath. It is all of this that Sjaella experiences and seeks to share.
The voyage of discovery began for these artists in 2005, and it has now taken them around the world. Sjaella has been a fixture on the universal vocal music scene for years, performing concerts at renowned festivals, and winning first prize at many competitions. The ensemble has recently been on concert tours to South Africa, Belgium, Spain, and Norway.
Felicitas Erben - Alto

Viola Blache - soprano

Franziska Eberhardt - Soprano

Helene Erben - Alt

Marie Charlotte Seidel - mezzo-soprano

Marie Fenske - Soprano

Luisa Klose - Alto
Luisa and Felicitas share the position of the alto 1 in the ensemble.

© Lara Müller