2022: CARA Award 2019 (USA) in the categorie Best Classical / Traditional Album (Origins)
2019: CARA Award 2019 (USA) in the categorie Best Folk/World Album (Meridiane NORD)
2015: 1st Prize, ‘HypoVereinsbank Jugend kulturell’
2015: 1st Prize, ‘Tampereen Sävel - Contest for Vocal Ensembles’ in Tampere, Finland (Category: Unamplified Ensemble)
2014: 1st place at the International Acapellafestival in Leipzig
2010: 1st place, Ward Swingle Award, International Acappella Competition in Graz (Classical Category)
2010: 1st place at the GermanAcappellaBundescontest
2009: 3rd place at the International Acappellafestival in Leipzig
Press reviews
The Advertiser 07/2023
"There were no moments of high drama in this performance; it proceeded in
a calm and measured way as they drew the audience in rather than
overwhelming it with histrionics. Throughout the concert Sjaella radiated a
special kind of warmth, totally unaffected – they clearly love what they do,
and that love was willingly reciprocated by their audience." by Stephen Whittington
Le Mond 11/2021
"[...] this recording is a genuine creation
in which the 6 singers of Ensemble Sjaella (Germans who have only chosen English texts)
have put their whole being, musical and philosophical. [...] the minimalistic aesthetic fits naturally with
their piping or ethereal voices, other theatrical orientations are lovely invested by this
fascinating A Capella sextet." by Pierre Gervasoni
‘The six young women in the vocal sextet Sjaella were a great success at Crailsheim Town Hall [...] with a soft, well-balanced and slightly spherical sound [...]’
‘[...] They make highly subtle use of their crystal-clear singing for thoughtful and beautiful interpretations. Their voices are balanced in a way that allows them to become outstandingly interwoven. Their excellent singing technique indeed allows the musicians to use their voices as instruments [...]. These young women use their warm and charming rapport with the audience to show how fantastically well classical music can work in these fast-moving times. You can see why Sjaella has been garnering international prizes in a-capella classical music for years.’
‘[...] Sjaella offered the audience atmosphere, emotion and above all high quality, making this evening a particularly special vocal event. The singers built bridges between old music and new compositions, bringing together contemporary sounds with the tonal language of centuries long past. The six voices were blended with impressively pure intonation, creating an ethereal atmosphere that could not fail to move anyone [...]’
‘[...] Sjaella is very special in many ways. It has a light, soaring, ethereal sound, which is very pure, without external force, light and natural. Everything is put across so artfully in the moment, that it appears absolutely natural, lightly rendered, with a strong contemplative element. The intonation is soaring and free, and wonderfully consistent [...] They cover a very expressive range, from artistic high sopranos to truly deep altos. This creates an almost unmistakeable ensemble sound, which infuses a variety of styles into a shared ideal [...]’ Dr. Matthias Lange
Praise for the CD »Preisung«
"Like after the mythical blossoming of Mantua during the Renaissance, a highly exotic constellation has emerged: a cappella ensembles composed solely of female voices. This has led to the development of an ethereal range of sound, like that nurtured by the amazing ensemble Sjaella, and it is difficult not to succumb to their charm. The latest CD from the sextet features pieces by Simon Wawer, Ekkehard Meister, Paul Heller, David Timm and Volker Bräutigam, which were largely composed for the voices of this ensemble. In very few instances can one talk about New Music; what you have here is more of a soft and soulful flow of timelessness. The 14 stirring tracks come from a place that is pure, intimate and bewitching - and they are all vocally sublime." kfm
"They haven't just very successfully left their visiting card at many festivals; they have also emerged from contests as winners. Their youngest member is just about sixteen [...] The intonation is impeccable, as is the dynamic balance and what they want to achieve from their sound [...] They embody a stunning perfection, that the pop scene [...] rarely throws up."